
Gates of Avalon

1 member(s)
Kerys in Gallia

About Us

"And we shall reach unto the very Gates of Avalon and throw them wide, that the blessings of Divinity manifold shall once more flow upon the land." - Ard Tiarna Ceridwyn Hi there! Welcome to the Gates of Avalon. We are a PvE and Roleplay focused clan based in Danu - Kerys - Ewyas in the Lands of Stone. Dun Ceridwyn, our clan hall, stands proudly in the northern reaches of the territory, and its claim is recognized by its diplomatic neighbors and allies in the region. The leader of the Gates of Avalon, Ceridwyn, hails from the distant highland realms, and as such you'll find much of our structure styled after old Gaelic clans. Our clan is free-spirited, and we have no tithes or tribute at this time. As we grow, we plan to form a collection of Duns, ie. Towns and villages, across the Lands of Stone, each led by a chieftain (Tiarna) beholden to the High Chief (Ard Tiarna). For further info see our discord:

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