Loios Tears
About Us
Nearly a century has passed since the murder of Loios, the Ninth Redeemer. Ever since, the protection our world relies on has been slowly waning, failing under the encroaching darkness. We seek to defend those it threatens - to prevent more suffering from those of wicked hearts, and to remain stalwart in the face of corruption breaking down the doors of our homes. Loios' Tears is a ragtag group of defensive mercenaries, perhaps even bodyguards, stationed at a tavern at one of the many gates into the wilds. They specialize in protecting and escorting travelers into the wilds, as well as taking on individuals who are killing indiscriminately. An RP/PKK-er clan, open to those NOT interested in PVP or PVE as well! Our focus is on the RP, and are very happy to have homebodies as well as adventurers in equal measure. Only 16+ ages allowed.
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